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APC UPS Network Management Card allow secure monitoring and control of an individual APC UPS via web browser, command line interface, or SNMP. Embedded technology provides exceptional reliability with notification features that inform you of problems as they occur.
Customize shut down and reboot of connected equipment and UPSs.
Identify problematic trends before they escalate or export the data log for analysis.
Pinpoint the timing and sequence of events leading up to an incident with the event log.
Run command file on shutdown sequence as well as start-up sequence.
Enable management of your UPS by connecting it directly to the network.
View the user interface with a browser. Provides quick access from anywhere on a secure network.
Manage your APC devices from a single system by forwarding SNMP traps (events) to your preferred enterprise management system.
Saves dispatching technicians to remote locations.
Prevents possible data corruption by performing graceful, unattended operating system shutdown in the event of an extended power outage.
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